What’s the Motivation? Why do I want to Lose the Weight?

If you’ve struggled with your weight at all, you’ve probably read countless books/articles and heard numerous times that it’s important to get to the bottom of the reasons why you want to lose the weight.

I would think that the fact that I am 100+ lbs overweight would be enough in itself, but I want to get real clear about WHY I want this weight off – what are the exact benefits I am aiming for and how will I know when I get there? This will also help me to formulate my goals which can be about things other than actual lbs lost.

So, on to the reasons…


  • the realization that I have a difficult time walking 15 minutes is staggering, my body hurts, I get out of breath easily, my back hurts…I can just FEEL the extra weight I am carrying and it IS getting difficult
  • I cannot tie my shoes while sitting (need to stand up and bend over to do it and its hard)
  • public seats can be a tight fit (restaurant, airplane, amusement rides – ugh!)
  • don’t always sleep well
  • general discomfort

Health (actual and potential issues):

  • high blood pressure (I have been on medication for the past 3 yrs or so)
  • depression – lately this has been pretty bad and I feel deep down that so much of it relates to my weight and how I feel about myself
  • been experiencing numbness lately – legs, feet, even face at times – this is really scaring me
  • have experienced anxiety attacks – seriously thought I was having a heart attack until I saw my doctor who diagnosed it (BUT this was something that really brought home that I might be literally killing myself by not addressing my weight issue)
  • I know that my obesity puts me at risk for so many things – I do fear diabetes and this is something that my doctor has really stressed with me as well


  • I often don’t even care about going out or being around other people – due to my recent move, this has me very isolated at the moment
  • I realize that there are so many negative thoughts going on in my head during times with others – I feel embarrassed of my size…I often just feel that I am taking up too much space – ugh! How awful is that!
  • I’m 37 and single – Yes, I want to meet my future husband – certainly my weight holds me back from this potential as I feel that no one will be interested in me at this weight – not just for the outward appearance, but what it says about my lack of discipline and concern for myself


  • I am such a good "faker" actually – I know how to pretend to be confident and happy when I am in social situations. People would not call me shy and I have no problem meeting people and do like to be in relationship with others. However, this does not match how I am feeling in the inside – it’s time that this confidence comes from the deep inside me!
  • It’s been ages since I’ve been able to shop in a "regular" store. I’m not saying anything negative about my usual Lane Bryant or Avenue for ex, BUT I cannot wait until I can walk into The Gap or Old Navy and buy even their biggest pair of jeans! There are SO many more options available for people that are not overweight.
  • I’m very uncomfortable in the heat especially (and believe me, it is HOT here in NC!). I don’t have the most appropriate clothes – too self conscious of my arms to wear sleeveless. AND I can’t wait to actually enjoy our beautiful beaches here in a swimsuit! I actually love swimming in the ocean and its been ages since I’ve done that also. (because I don’t want to get in my swimsuit in public)
  • Mostly, I would like to think that I’m OK with my singleness, but lately I’ve been crying myself to sleep some nights and if I’m being honest with myself (and you) I’m feeling scared of being lonely…scared that no one will ever love me or want to share their life with me. I know that I really do want this and I want to bring my best to my future husband….this includes the health and confidence that will come from losing this weight. 
  • My other biggest issue right now has to do with finances and debt – I really believe that if I can tackle this weight issue and reach these goals that I will set, that I can then apply the same motivation and focus towards my business and financial goals – eliminating the debt once and for all as well. I think there will be a lot of momentum that will carry over into every area of my life.
  • I don’t know if my depression will be cured with the fitness plan and weight loss. I do believe in my case, that this is a large contributor of how I am feeling mentally and I’m anxious to see how exercising and eating healthy foods will affect my mood. I am forever the optimist actually, so I am believing that in a few months from now things will be much better in this area.

Last, but certainly not least…


  • It drives me crazy that I feel that my life is not truly a testimony to the power of Christ in me
  • I so believe that my weight issue hinders me (that I hinder me!) from being everything that God intends for me to be
  • I want to bring my best to a relationship that I believe will exist in my future – this includes my health, outward appearance and self esteem
  • I believe that my obesity is a result of a lack of discipline (among other things) and I know that more discipline in my life can only help me to grow spiritually

Please help me Jesus…  😉

What are your motivations for losing weight? Please feel free to post your comments.

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