Get A FREE Audiobook!

Would you like to get the “How to Lose 100 Pounds” 6 book bundle as an audiobook for FREE?

Get the Audio Bundle Free!

Click the play button below to hear a sample:

Amazon has a great offer right now promoting its audiobook company, Audible, and you can get  your first audiobook for FREE.

Here are the instructions:

1. Click here to go to the product page for “How to Lose 100 Pounds.” (You can choose any of the audiobooks, but this one will be your best value.)

2. Once on the product page click on the orange button to set up your FREE 30 Day trial membership with  The product page will look like this:

Get a FREE Audio Book!

3. After you sign up, follow the instructions to download the Audible software and the free audiobook to your device (PC, tablet, or smartphone).

4. You’re under no obligation to remain a member and can easily cancel any time during or after your first trial month.

Any audiobooks that you download while you are a member are yours to keep forever!

5. Note that this is a one time offer only available to new members of Audible.

If you are already a member, you will be getting the audiobooks at a reduced rate within your membership.

Enjoy! 🙂

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