Preparation: What do I need to Begin the Weight Loss Challenge Next Week?

I commit this challenge and these goals to God. I know that the relationship that I have with Jesus is THE most important piece of my life – with Him I can do all things. I’m frustrated that my physical body does not display a testimony of faith and the power of who Christ is in me. I vow to spend time with God daily and when it gets hard to remember that my body is truly His temple and for me to really be and do everything that He has intended for me, I must get my physical body in alignment with His word.

I am SO ready to do this! I know why I want to do lose the weight and I know that it will be challenging at times. I am committed. I am looking at this as a process and I know that losing over 100 lbs is not going to be fast and it’s not going to be easy. I WILL do it and 1 year from now, there will be so many accomplishments to look back on. I feel that losing the weight is just the beginning of many good things ahead…for me, and for you.

Time Management:
To achieve this weight loss goal. I know that I need to be very committed to a schedule of exercise. At the beginning, it may also be necessary to plan out my meals/calories ahead of time. My goal is not to be fanatical long-term – I don’t want to always HAVE to plan/write everything, but I know that in this beginning stage it is a necessary piece of the discipline that I’ve been lacking. I know that there will be days when I don’t feel like exercising and it is those days where I MUST do it, just because I have committed to it in my calendar/schedule. For this stage, the weight loss challenge MUST be a #1 priority and focus in my life so I need to commit the time it takes daily to make this happen. Since I have the advantage of a flexible schedule and working from home, there is NO excuse for not finding the time to exercise during the day.

Where am I at today physically? I’m feeling a bit better than I did a few months ago when the most I could seem to walk at a time was 15 minutes. I just need to remember that I can allow myself to start out slow, with the recognition that I should be diligent about pushing myself each day. I will begin with walking and it’s important to have a comfortable pair of walking shoes. (which I have!)

My Initial Goals:
I will begin my regular process of writing out my goals. I will start with the longer 1 year goal, breaking this down into quarterly, monthly, weekly and then day by day. I will also record this here and encourage you to share your goals as well.

Grocery List:
Tomorrow I am going to make out my grocery list and do a big shop to be sure that my kitchen is filled with healthy food and at least one sweet, (but low calorie) option. I know that if I don’t buy "bad" foods and have them at my home, I won’t be tempted. Not having a car definitely does cut down on the temptation to head to the nearest fast food joint! I also don’t want to completely deprive myself so finding a good sweet option and some other options for things that I like (such as pizza) will be essential to my long-term success.

Ready, Set, GO!!!!!



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