My First Bike Ride

Today was the day! The pups are gone, the wedding’s over, it’s time to test out the bike that I bought a few weeks ago. I was very excited and a tiny bit nervous. Who knew if I even could ride this thing after so much time as passed since getting on a bicycle.

I decided that I would just ride around the neighborhood as it is pretty quiet and definitely a good place to start with not much traffic.

From the moment I took off, I completely felt like a kid again! I had no idea it would be so much fun to ride. I had been thinking about transportation and fitness, while completely forgetting how much I used to love riding my bike as a child. It was the weirdest feeling – and wonderful!

I rode for about 45 minutes and as I was heading home it started to rain a bit which actually made it even more fun! 😉 I can tell right now that it’s my "backside" that gonna have to get used to it…hmmm…wonder how long that takes. I’m going to press in and try to go for a least a short ride every day or so. I feel a bit timid around traffic, so I also have that to get used to as I know I want to be able to ride all over town. That would be amazing for me!



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