Back in the Game…

Morning SunI’m not going to bother with another “confessional”…argh!!

Yes, it’s been a LONG time and I’ve not been keeping up with the blog or my weight loss (GAIN!) journey! This is the beginning of a new day…

You all know me…if you’ve followed my journey at all, you know that I’ve vowed to keep it real with you.

The truth is that I have been busy/crazy/stressed, etc. I’ve not wanted to confess that I’ve not been taking care of myself or keeping up with healthy habits.

It’s been a rough few yrs that have seen job loss, moves, heartbreaks…BUT you know I’m not one to dwell! LOL

It’s a new day! Year, quarter, month….

Getting ready to do my April goals has inspired me to note that it is Q2 and I think one of the best things I could do this quarter is reconnect with my wonderful weight loss community – get honest and honor your wonderful friendships by asking for some accountability.

Hopefully, I can also inspires some of you along the way and we can REALLY know that this is life. You lose weight, make some mistakes and get right back in the game again.

I know that I’ve fallen back into some old patterns. So where do I go from here?

I REALLY want to learn and grow and not fret that it HAS to be a pattern in the future.

Awesome things are happening and I don’t want my weight/fitness level to stand in the way of anything.

SO, here’s to the first of many regular updates to come, including some new goals and check-ins. Also watch for some new 30 Day Challenges! YAY! Join me…let’s do it!

I appreciate you all more than you know!

P.S. Official weigh-in to come, BUT (gulp) getting real…I’m guessing the scale will show 215 lbs at least.  Onward…I refuse to gain back another pound and I KNOW getting a good 20 off will feel amazing!


  1. Your courage and honesty are admirable. I won’t even have a scale in my house. Total denial!

    At this point in my life, I’m not so concerned about weight as I am about health. I just wish I could kick the intense cravings for junk. If I could do that I know everything else would fall into place.

    Anyway, I look forward to your updates and you have my support and encouragement.


  2. Olivia…thanks SO much for that! I really appreciate you and am so glad that we met! We need to schedule a walk together soon Thanks for the note!

  3. Sherri Froh-Byrne says

    So glad to see you’re back in the game. I appreciate all of your honesty Paula. I am starting AGAIN at almost exactly the same place you are. Let’s do this!

  4. Thanks for the comment Sherri – and YES let’s do this together!!! 🙂

  5. Glad to see you back. I put all my weight back on too. I am 208 (I was down to 170). So you are definately not alone!!!! I love your 30 days challenges and look forward to them again. We will all do it together!

  6. Thanks Janice!! Great to “see” you too! And yes, let’s do this together!!!

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