8 to 40: Weight Loss Turning Point and the Importance of Having a Plan

I'm turning 40 in 8 days!

Here is a reminder for you (and for me) of where I was at 3 years ago…

before-benchThe quality of the image is not great but you can certainly see:

  • my size – this would have been my heaviest at 278 lbs
  • how unhappy I look

I actually hated getting my picture taken and my mom happened to snap this shot from a distance at Airlie Gardens in Wilmington one time when they were visiting. I’m happy now that I have it because I think it perfectly displays how I was feeling SO much of the time at that weight.

I know for a fact that day I was so conscious of my size and how I was feeling that day in particular. I was trying to be a good sport and enjoy the day walking around the lovely garden with my parents BUT I felt horrible, out of shape and FAT!

The actual decision to lose the weight came while sitting around the table with my youngest sister and now brother-in-law. They were to be married in 6 months and we were discussing my sister’s weight loss goals. Of course I had the bad feeling imagining myself at this event at my current size – ugh! You know the feeling!

I started really thinking and talking about how much change I could really make in 6 months and the plan was soon put into motion.

targetAs the New Year loomed that year, I began putting my plan to paper. I am such a big believer in the importance of having goals and targets to move towards, especially with my weight loss efforts.

The weight loss turning point was all about actually making the decision that I HAD to lose this weight! I started to look ahead 3 years to my 40th birthday. (which is just around the corner on Jan 7th!) I started to really think about how I would feel if I did NOTHING! Ick and no way! There had to be better things for me in my future and that was going to start with a plan for change.

I am doing the current 2010: What’s Your Plan miniseries in the hopes that it will inspire you to make the decision to lose weight, get fit and change your life. SO much of our weight loss journey has to do with having a plan!

Decide.  Plan.  Revise. Celebrate!

I know you can do this!

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