22 to 40: On Friendship…

I'm turning 40 in 22 days!

True friendship…there is NOTHING like it!

friendshipThis picture is not a personal pic, but I think it perfectly conveys the idea of friendship. Particularly for women (girls) and the special bonds that we share with other women in our lives.

I love my friends…really nothing can compare to these special relationships.

I think there are different levels of friendships for sure and these relationships change and grow throughout our lives. (as we also change and grow older)

I do not have the same friendships today that I had back in High School although I would certainly call these people among friends if I were ever to be living in the area where I grew up.

I mentioned in a previous post on solitude how much I enjoyed being by myself and I would not say that I am particularly a very social person, but I do so enjoy the best friends I have in life.

I’ve always been one to have a handful of REALLY good, solid women in my life…for that I have always been SO grateful. You know the ones that you can phone when you are so upset that you can hardly breathe? They pick up the phone and instantly KNOW that their ear (and shoulder if you are lucky to live close) is needed….and they ARE there for you…REALLY there for you!

I love and need people like that in my life.

I also like to be that friend…I hope I am to at least a few. 😉

I’ve also spoken about my siblings and how blessed I am to call all of them my best friends!

As we get ready to enter 2010, I am amazed at the new friends that I have personally made and the friendships that I see being formed virtually!

This is the whole point behind the Celebrate Weight Loss Forum Community! If you have not joined us there, please do so! I would love to meet you and hear all about your journey to health and fitness!

I also cannot BELIEVE the amazing community within the virtual Twitter world that has become very popular. (Follow me and set up your account if you need to by clicking on that link.)

I have so many virtual BFF’s now to help me finish up what I started in my own weight loss journey!

You know who you are! 🙂 Thank you!

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