9 to 40: Move to Wilmington

I'm turning 40 in 9 days!

wilmingtonIn 2006 I moved from San Francisco, CA to Wilmington, NC.

Shortly after my parent’s accident, I was visiting them in MI and this also happened to be the same time that my youngest sister was moving to Wilmington, NC for a new job.

I decided to do the drive with her and on the way we started talking about the possibility of me moving to Wilmington also.

I had been trying to venture out on my own online so I was no longer tied to a location in regards to work and my living expenses in Marin County had gotten to be a bit much.  As my youngest sister reminded me that we had never actually lived near each other as adults, (She was only 8 when I had left home to go to college.) it started to sound like an exciting idea!

I spent some time making my pro/con list and by the time we got to Wilmington I had decided that as long as I liked the feel of the town, I would be returning to Marin to sell everything and move on out!

Long story short, I did like Wilmington and my father also had some surgery scheduled so I decided that it made sense to leave Marin to visit them in MI since so that I could be there for them during some of my dad’s recovery period.

I literally headed back to Marin and sold pretty all my belongings including my car. 🙂

After a successful surgery and recovery period for my father, I headed out to NC…literally from one coast (San Francisco) to the other!

Wilmington is a great coastal university town located on the Cape Fear River.

wilmington-downtownwrightsville-beachwilmington-to-beachThere are beautiful beaches:

I lived here up until a few months ago when I left to spend the winter in MI at my parents home while they travel in their motor home for the winter.

The time in Wilmington was great for me. Among the things that I appreciated the most are:

  • a closer relationship with my youngest sister
  • a great friendship with my brother-in-law who I did not really know that well prior to living there
  • I lost 110 lbs while living here and developed a healthy and fit lifestyle for myself!
  • and many more things! I may be back one day! 😉

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