3 to 40: Hope for the future: Health

I'm turning 40 in 3 days!

healthylifeIn the next 3 posts leading up to the big day, I want to spend some time looking forward as to what my hopes for the future are.

There are many, but I will focus on the biggies!

Obviously, having lost 110 of my 140 lb goal is a one of those big hopes for my future.

I’ve known since starting out that it would be a journey, not something fast or necessarily easy at all.

I’ve come to know some truths about my struggle with weight even now after having lost so much. The reality is, like so many others, I will have to constantly keep this in the forefront of my mind. I need to be aware of the habits that I choose daily and remind myself of where I have come from in terms of my weight loss.

It’s not easy to maintain…this is something I have discovered already even though I haven’t quite reached my goal. I seem to put weight on pretty quickly when I deviate from the day-to-day healthy routine. I’ve discovered this just being in Las Vegas this past week. πŸ˜‰

I know that I will constantly need to maintain an exercise routine of some sort. I’m not anticipating being fanatical about this but I can imagine keeping with a routine that at minimum includes 4-5 days of cardio.

So, as I look ahead at my 40’s in regards to my health, here are my intentions:

  • to reach and maintain my goal weight of 138 lbs. (this is my initial goal right now and I can imagine that I may choose to go a bit lower with this)
  • to continue with healthy eating and calorie counting until I reach my goal weight
  • once I reach maintenance, I would like to think that I could manage somewhat of an 80/20 lifestyle when it comes to my food intake – meaning, if 80% of the time I am eating “normal”, healthy meals – the other 20% could be fine for occasional splurges
  • to continue with a regular exercise plan that includes cardio, strength training and core/stretching of some kind
  • to continue to push myself physically – biking, running, hiking, vacations that include physical activities
  • to continue to learn and grow emotionally and mentally as well – to keep my mind active and remain constant in my desire to learn new things
  • to feel just as great (or better!) at 50 as I do now at 40 WooHoo! πŸ™‚

I KNOW that I feel way better in regards to my health and weight turning 40 then I did on my 30th birthday! THIS is a great thing!!


  1. You have done so well Paula, and as I have already said a couple of times – oh maybe 3, lol – you are a great inspiration.

    You will keep me going for sure – so thank you !

    I wanna reach 40 and feel so much better than I have in years, and you are proving to me, it is possible πŸ™‚

    You are so right about the mantaining part. I really think it is as with alcoholics. You will always be one. I believe we will always have that fat person inside us waiting for a chance to take over and come one back out.

    And well, you have done really well in Vegas – those 28 floors, done twice – WOW !! Very inspirational !!

  2. Beth Dodge says

    I’d like to “ride along’ to lose that next 30….how fun for you to spend your big day with Michelle and your parents. I know it doesn’t seem all “wild & crazy”, but from my (much older!) perspective, family support is better than just about anything! Even though its a few days early, Happy Birthday, Paula–you deserve the best!!!

  3. Thanks so much for your kind words Pixie! They really mean a lot to me and I am so happy that you’ve joined forces with me! Let’s really get this done in 2010! πŸ™‚

    Beth, for sure girl! We can rock 30 lbs no problem, right? πŸ˜‰ Believe me I am NOT really all that “wild & crazy” and love it that I am with my family for my bday! (although we are all a bit “crazy” for sure!) lol Thanks so much for the note – I appreciate it!

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