11 to 40: Travel Adventures: TESL in Barcelona and First Trip to Europe

11-to-40I’m going to be doing a few travel adventure posts in the upcoming days…travel is such a big desire of mine so I wanted to be sure to include some posts of my favorite trips starting with my first trip to Europe! Yay!

My first international trip was a few years prior to this and I wrote about my adventures in Guatemala in post 19 to 40.

In 1998, I left San Francisco to take a 5 week course in Barcelona, Spain. I was going to get my TEFL (Teach English as a Foreign Language) certificate with the intention of being able to travel around the world teaching English. Yay!

barcelona-finished-schoolbarcelona-view-hotelbarcelona-schoolHere are some pictures of the school I attended, the view outside my hotel room balcony and me with my certificate after completing the course!

sagrada-familiala-ramblaBarcelona was an amazing city. Here are pictures of Antoni Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia and the famous La Rambla street:

I had my first Europe trip planned and my cousin was to join me in Germany after the course and then we would travel around by train!

Yay! I had been dreaming about this for years…

Before I met up with my cousin, I went to Prague with my Hungarian friend that I knew from my San Diego nanny days!


From here I visited another friend in Germany. We went to the  Dachau Concentration Camp which was a very somber experience and one that I felt I could not miss while there.


I also saw castles and some AMAZING scenery in Germany:



…and I LOVE Italy! My first trip to Europe included a whirlwind tour of Venice, Rome and Florence – then on to Paris!

I had also made several great friends from England during my days as a nanny in San Diego, so we then headed to England before going back to the states.

england1england-castleIt was an amazing tip and adventure. You can bet that I would be anxious to return to Europe!

I did not actually do any teaching after my experience in Barcelona. Not for lack of wanting to…just different things that happened after I returned home.

I would end up back in San Francisco for a period of time…always planning that next trip!

And there would be more! Stay tuned!

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