Pre-Challenge Assignment: Work Those Muscles!

OK team…we’re 9 days out from our 30 Day Shred Challenge and I just wanted to start putting some tips out there for you all.  Do I think we’re gonna make it through the 30 days?  You bet, I do!!!  Do I think there may be some challenges along the way?  Yes!!!!  lol

So, being the planner that I am, I want to try to nip those challenges in the bud now.

IF you are not currently exercising, there will definitely be some soreness when you start with the infamous Jillian on the 21st! Heck, I’ve been doing strength training for 2+ yrs now and I’m expecting that I will have to push through some sore muscles.

So…if you’re not currently doing anything with your dumbbells, I’d suggest doing some bi-cep and tri-cep work every other day or so. Just do something light – maybe during commercials of your favorite TV program.

I’d also do a few sets of squats and lunges to get that lower body ready.

At the beginning of my fitness routine, I was fortunate to have access to a gym which is where I did my upper body work. As the months progressed, when I wanted to change up my routine a bit I purchased the book below and created a little upper and lower body routine of my own based on some of the exercises in this book.

I will include the link below in case this is something that would help you out.


Here you go: The Biggest Loser Fitness Program

Let’s go team! 🙂

P.S. Do you have everything you need from the shopping/tools list?


  1. Girl, I am ready and I know I am going to be sore, but it is all good. I also recommend everybody take their measurements on the 21st so that you can see how many inches you shred during the 30 days!

  2. You go Kim! I’m SO excited to do this with you! Yes, measurements – I will post that as another of the pre-challenge assignments…rock-n-roll! Let’s lose some inches…are you ready gang!

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