Pre-Challenge Assignment: What’s Your Intention?

OK folks we’re 1 week away from our 30 Day Shred Challenge! (just click that link if you need the skinny on what I’m referring to – there’s still time to join in on the fun!)

I’m getting very excited and I’m SO happy that so many of you have joined up with me in this! I think it’s going to be great doing it together.

Today, I’d like you to think about what it is you hope to have accomplished at the end of the 30 days. I think it is VERY important and useful to have some serious intent behind our goals and actions…not just with the weight loss but with pretty much everything we do in life, right? 😉

Maybe you have not seriously begun your weight loss or exercise efforts and your intent would be to get into a nice exercise groove? Maybe you’re struggling with a plateau and are hoping that this change-up in your exercise will kick your weight loss into gear again. You get the idea.

For me, I’ve been hovering in the range of 167-170-ish for awhile now. It’s a tricky place because I know I want to reach my goal (138 ) and at my low (158) I felt fantastic BUT 167 still has me feeling pretty good.

So, my intention with the 30 Day Challenge is to have 30 days of exercise along with serious calorie counting – determined to get back to those low 160’s at a minimum.  I also intend for us, as a group, to be a source of encouragement and support for one another…and that is happening! Thanks SO much gang! We can do this together and thank you for joining in and believing in yourself.

I’d love to hear what your intentions are in the comments…


  1. My intent is to keep moving for at least the 20-mins workout every day for 30 days no matter how I feel. I’m going for the discipline–I can push past my feelings and the aches and pains and do something good for myself…cuz I’m not getting any younger! LOL!

  2. I love this goal Linda AND your determination! There is SO much to be said for discipline – in every area of our lives, right? 😉 Thanks for posting!

  3. My intent is to definitely get back in my exercise groove! It’s been way too long! Something like this challenge is just what I need. Even if I only move for 20 minutes each day, that is going to help me a lot!

  4. Right on Cynthia! I definitely think the 30 Day Challenge will help a lot of us in this way AND right before the holiday fun begins…Yay us for being proactive! 😉

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