Meet Alyce

Meet AlyceToday I want to introduce you to Alyce as the person I’d like to highlight in the series “Stronger Together“.

Alyce is just a little bit of sunshine on the FB page πŸ˜‰

…always ready to offer a kind word of encouragement and lift others up.

I love her commitment and dedication and really enjoyed getting to know her a bit better through the words she’ll share with you below.

Alyce has responded to a series of questions that more or less correspond to the steps I’ve taken in my own journey as outlined in the “How to Lose 100 Pounds” book series.


1. YOUR Journey and Plan for Weight Loss Success: Please tell us a little bit about your own journey with weight loss and getting healthy?

Growing up I was the kid that was in dance, drill team, and cheerleading. My friends and I were always “practicing” in the front yard of my parents house. Anything that had me dancing was right up my ally.

Going into middle school I stopped doing these things and slowly gained weight do to it and the lovely old puberty that all of us get to go through.

As I entered into high school I connected again with dance and did it five times a week at school and then took classes outside of school. I also worked out a lot with my boyfriend that I had at the time. Looking back I wasn’t really happy with the way I looked because I was the tall and big boned girl who could never get skinny enough to match up with all the other girls. I even tried crazy diets, diet pills, and only eating once or twice a day to achieve the look that I thought I wanted to be or the look that the boys thought was attractive (I do NOT recommend doing this).

My boyfriend at the time was nothing but horrible for me. He could be nice at times but then the worst side of him came out at others and he was verbally abusive to me. He knocked me so low that I never thought I would be pretty or good enough for anyone including my friends and family.

At the end of high school we finally broke up (thank God) which sent me into being depressed. With this I gained a lot of weight, partied, and lived on the go all the time (all this while going to college and living at home). I continued to diet off and on with some results but after I stopped I gained it all back. During this time I never worked out because I was always “to busy” to do so.

During my last year of college I met this wonderful guy (now my hubby) who was nothing but awesome and supported me 110%. When we got married he didn’t eat healthy and neither did I so I we ate really bad together. The both of us gained a lot more weight together over the years.

A year and half ago my hubby went in for a check up because of some dental work that he needed to have done only to find out that his blood pressure was sky high along with his weight and other stuff. When he came home that night we had a serious talk about what we were going to do to get him healthy.

At this time I didn’t really realize the journey that I was about to embark on. I started cooking healthier meals from the Cooking Light magazines which was a great start.

Several months later I ended up in the hospital from a serious staph infection that was out of control. While I was there I had a lot of time to think and eat just about whatever I wanted. After getting out of the hospital I realized just how bad the food I was putting in my mouth was making me feel.  I just felt bad overall! With this I was still on a quest to find a healthier way of living not only for my hubby but for myself as well.

One day I was playing on a website that I frequently went on and I decided to go to the health and fitness board. I’m so glad I did! The wonderful ladies there were talking about eating clean and how awesome they felt along with feeling healthier overall. When I read this I had to find out more about eating clean.

I ended up buying several books buy Tosca Reno and I started to educate myself on what eating clean was all about. I finally started weeding out all the junk that I was consuming on a daily basis. I’ve been successfully eating clean for almost a year now. I will have some junk from time to time but it’s a great reminder of why I’m eating the way I am.

I’ve never felt better overall!!!!

I can finally say that I’ve lost 65 pounds successfully the right way and I’m still going (my goal is to loose 100).

2. Finding the Motivation: What is your big WHY for losing weight and getting healthy?

It originally started with helping my hubby to find a healthier lifestyle. Things have changed since then and now it’s because I want to feel better, feel comfortable in my own skin for once in my life, and be a healthy person that not only will my hubby look up to but also our future kids, my family, friends, and students.

I guess I was tired of being sick and tired.

How do you stay motivated?

I stay motivated because of the way I feel overall. I have energy and I feel strong for a change.

I also joined several weight loss/eating clean groups on Facebook that have really helped (yours included). It’s showing me that everyone is human and has their ups and downs.

I love seeing the motivational words, quotes, or workouts that people put up because it gives me a reminder to get myself to the gym or to just get up and move.

The other thing that is really motivating me is all of the comments that I’m getting not only from friends and family but others about how different I look. I guess when you look in the mirror everyday you still kind of see that old you that once starred back.

I did recently go into a store where I once shopped and tried on a pair of pants that I wore at my biggest. I honestly couldn’t believe my eyes the difference in my body. I HIGHLY recommend every person who is trying to lose weight to do this. It was a huge motivation!

3. Goals and Planning: Are you setting goals for yourself? Please share with us where you are at with your own goal setting and any tips that you might have for this planning process.

I honestly believe for a person to be successful in their weight loss journey you have to set some goals for yourself.

Currently my goals are to continue to eat clean, work out 5-6 days a week, run at least three times a week (I have a 5k that I’m doing in November), continue to write my meal plans each week, and above anything else have fun. If I don’t have fun or challenge myself I get bored real quick.

As far as in tips I say plan, plan, plan! If I don’t make a meal plan for the week chances are I’m going to either not cook or we are going to eat junk.

I also carry around a huge bottle of water so I can keep filling my cup up.

Also figure out before hand what you are going to do for your workouts. There’s nothing like walking into the gym and not having a clue of what you should do.

When starting out or if you get off track start writing down everything you are putting in your mouth, your activity for the day, and how you felt on that particular day.

4. Eating for Weight Loss: Are you following a specific diet or food plan? Any tips for how you deal with challenges in this area?

Yes I follow the Eating Clean Diet (I really call it a lifestyle change).

I really struggle sometimes with sweets. There are clean treats that I’ve found that are just as good if not better than the stuff I would have normally picked up at the grocery store.

Something else that’s hard currently is trying to go out to eat with family or friends and trying to keep it clean. I’m still learning how to do this. I will say though that if I want a big fat juicy burger I’ll eat it.

I refuse to deprive myself of something because I know that it just means worse cravings later on and chances are I’ll go overboard with it.

5. Exercise for Weight Loss: Do you have an exercise plan currently? Please share your own exercise plan and any tips that you think could be useful for others.

Yes I’m currently doing the c25k (couch to 5k) plan three times a week, Tosca Reno’s advanced lifting program, and I sometimes go to a boot camp two or three times a week if enough people sign up. I’m really loving the boot camp because it’s never the same thing plus the trainer Susan is awesome. I also highly recommend anything by Tosca Reno because she is super awesome as well.

6. Getting Back on Track (after a gain or just starting out): What words of advice do you have for others who may be struggling to forgive past attempts at weight loss or for those who are just trying to get started? Is there anything else you would like to share?

Keep trying and don’t give up!!! I promise you will get to your goal. If you get off track just try to remind yourself of why you started this journey in the first place, the benefits that you have felt, and why you deserve this. Basically have a come to Jesus with yourself (I had to have one about a week ago with myself because I was eating a lot of sweets).

Here are some websites that have really helped me:

I love being a part of your Facebook page. I have a morning routine of having my breakfast, coffee, watching the news, and getting on Facebook before I have to get ready for the day. Paula you always put up something that is motivating like a saying or just your workout for the day. You always check to see how your viewers/readers are doing which I love. It gives me a great reminder to stay positive, be happy, and try my best at whatever I have to do for the day. I’m so glad I found your page!

Here’s to losing weight and becoming a better and healthier you!!!



A note from Paula…

A BIG thank you to Alyce for taking the time to share so much with us all.

I’m so happy she is a part of the Facebook page/community and I’m SO happy you are too. (You are, yes?) πŸ˜‰

I also thank Alyce for the kind words and enthusiasm about the Facebook page. I also love seeing familiar faces in the AM while posting and drinking my coffee.

My hope is that you would comment below with words of encouragement for Alyce and also share a bit of your own “story” with us all.

Much love,

~ Paula

P.S. Please join us at the Facebook page – I’d love to “meet” you! πŸ™‚

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  1. Angela Dalka says

    Great story Alyce!! You are a great inspiration! πŸ˜€

  2. Thanks for the comment Angela and I totally agree! πŸ™‚ I’m gonna make sure Alyce sees this.

  3. Thank you Angela & Paula! πŸ™‚

  4. Great read Alyce! You have truely been a great friend and inspiration to me. I tell people all the time how great you look and about eating clean. I am so very happy for you.

  5. Thanks for commenting Gina! πŸ™‚

  6. Thank you Gina! Your so sweet and a great friend as well! Love ya girly! πŸ™‚

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