Celebrate Weight Loss Part 2

If you’re new to the blog you will notice two different time frames.

Celebrate Weight Loss Part 1

I started this blog in December of 2006 weighing in at my all time highest weight of 278 lbs. I was 38 yrs old and set out to lose over 100+ lbs before I hit the big 40.

What I am calling Part 1 of my weight loss journey, you can find in the archives of the blog from 2006 to part of 2010 and then a bit sporadically into 2011.

I did blog about the 40th birthday milestone and much of that period includes regular weekly and monthly check-ins.

Note: Some links (to the old forum and old Facebook page) are no longer valid in the earlier blog posts due to spam issues. Thank you for your patience as I work to tidy up the blog.

Celebrate Weight Loss Part 2

Celebrate Weight Loss Part 2At the time of this blog post, I’ve had some ups-and-downs…basic “life” challenges (like many of us, right?) and I’ve found myself looking at a weight gain of 60 lbs which is half of what I had originally lost.

Trust me when I say that I’ve spent far too much time in between denial and beating myself up to spend one minute more in a NOT healthy place with everything. It’s time to pull my big girl pants up (pun intended hehe) and get down to the business of moving forward.

A few months ago I wrote and launched a 6 book series called “How to Lose 100 Pounds”. This is a real life account of my own journey including what I fondly refer to as the “oops edition”.

My goal with the series, this blog and the Facebook page is to connect with people who are facing the same weight issues, disappointments and struggles that I believe many of us do deal with during a journey such as this.

I know that if I can make the decision to continue forward and learn from past mistakes, so can you. We are the same…we are works-in-progress. πŸ˜‰

I’m hoping that you will come along on this journey with me and allow me to be as transparent with you as I can be, while at the same time opening yourself up to me and others in the community.

There are no “rules” or expectations on my part – just know that I am extremely grateful and honored to share in any participation that you would grant me.

One thing that I know from past experience, we are stronger together and celebrations are that much sweeter when shared with others.

Your words inspire and and motivate me very much so I thank you in advance.

Now let’s get going! πŸ™‚

~ Paula

P.S. As always I appreciate your comments and the sharing of this blog post.



  1. Julie Mahoney says

    7/7/12. So ashamed and afraid. Can’t seem to get through 1 day of eating healthy. However I just read your free book on motivation. Wow…they are the words I’ve been looking for.

    I’ve have heart disease that can be helped from getting worse…that alone should be motivation, but I’ve run from it instead. Just got through 3 Weeks of recovery from a knee replacement and have had some quiet time to think and get in touch..digging deep like you said.

    Im going to read your book over and over. I’ve put 50 Shades of Grey on the back burner for now and will keep reading your book until I’ve soaked in all that good stuff.

    Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. Thanks SO much for the note Julie. Your sharing really means a lot to me. I’m very happy that you were able to download the book during the free day – It was my favorite of the 6 in the series to write. πŸ™‚ Please also join us at the Facebook page and be sure to get on the email list as I do email regarding specials/free days on the books as well as other news.

    I do understand how it feels to be having a difficult time getting started…believe me when I say that and I know it can be the hardest part of the whole process. You really can do it…start with small commitments that you know you can keep and then build upon those smaller successes. Take it one step at a time and pat yourself on the back now for having the courage to really get in touch with where you are at and where you wish to be.

    A sidenote: regarding your knee surgery – be sure to check out the blog post I wrote about my dad and his own struggle with his knee/discovery of riding bike. http://www.celebrateweightloss.com/motivation/why-my-dad-is-my-current-fitness-hero/

    Thanks so much Julie and please keep me posted on your progress.

    ~ Paula

  3. Kelly Powers says

    I went to the doctor and I have lost another 5 pounds, that makes a total of 15 pounds lost. I am halfway to my goal weight. This next week is going to be a challenge though. I start my vacation starts tomorrow and my husband are taking a 5 day cruise. Luckly they have a gym on board so if I stay active, maybe I can minimize the damage. I really enjoyed all of your books. I’m ready for you to write the next one.

  4. Congrats Kelly! πŸ™‚ That is so awesome! It sounds like you are doing some planning regarding your cruise and HAVE FUN! Personally I think if you can come back from vacation without gaining, that is a win…keeping in mind that a little gain can just be due to increase in sodium/water weight from being off your “normal” routine. I think your plan to exercise is a great one and will definitely help to balance it out. I really believe that the most important thing will be what you do when you return from vacation…meaning even IF there is a gain, if you plan and commit to getting right back on track upon coming home you can be up and running again in no time AND completely enjoy a guilt free holiday. Can’t wait to hear back from you. πŸ™‚

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