
Welcome to Celebrate Weight Loss – A Journey to fitness and freedom!

I’ve lost 120 lbs (the picture you see here) which left me feeling healthy, fit and capable of anything I set my mind to…AND my story continues as someone who found herself looking at a weight gain of half that weight 3.5 yrs later.

I don’t want to be that person who is selling you a formula for losing weight fast and fixing your life, yet hiding behind my own weight and insecurities. I will tell you straight out that you and I are very much the same. I’m not perfect in this and I like to call myself a work-in-progress for sure.

I know what it’s like to feel like giving up. I know what it’s like to let the weight control our lives.

PLEASE hear me when I say that you are not alone and you REALLY can change your life.

You are fully capable and you don’t need a fad diet or a fast weight loss plan.

You do need to be able to believe in yourself and you need to know that YOU can create a very realistic plan that will have you losing weight AND enjoying your life as you do so. It is possible and it’s not JUST about the scale.

I hope that you will allow me to “walk with you” as you create a plan for your own success. I would love nothing more than to hear from you and celebrate your successes along the way.

Please reach out to me via the blog and join me and an AMAZING group of people on Facebook at:


I would love to “meet” you there and hear your story. 🙂

Wishing you much success!

~ Paula

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